Anagram Solver

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An anagram solver is a word finder that converts confused letters into meaningful words. It will help you expand your vocabulary and save time on anagram exercises and word games. Choose the right dictionary and press the “Search” button in our anagram solver.

Fans of word games should know this term. If you like Scrabble or other letter games like Words With Friends or Word Chums but have never encountered anagrams, you should memorize them and use them the next time you play! Find out what an anagram is and why it is so important in the verbal battles on the game board. In this article, you will also find interesting examples of anagrams that you can quickly put into practice - not only in a successful game with friends! Are you ready to expand your mental horizons? Let’s go!

Why Should We Use Anagram Solver?

It should be mentioned that not all words in our language allow the formation of anagrams. So, if you want to have fun, but for a long time you do not manage to invent a new word - you may have just come across the exception that proves the rule that sometimes it is impossible!

As we’ve written before, rearranging letters into words is a lot of fun that you can consider alone as a way to develop your mind and exercise your brain cells. Or to do this in a larger group. If we invite friends to join us, the stakes are higher!

If you can’t think of anything, you can still use clever tools. For example, an anagram generator suggests anagrams of certain words! This application, which is freely available on the Internet, works on the principle of a search engine. It is very easy to use, and the sophistication of its possibilities is quite satisfactory. We can set appropriate filters and enjoy the anagram.

What is an Anagram?

The easiest and shortest way to learn an anagram is to use an anagram solver. This way, you will fully learn the logic of solving anagrams.

To understand and use anagrams, let’s start by asking ourselves what an anagram is. An anagram is a figure of speech in the English language that, by changing the place of the letters of a word, creates a new word (without adding any). A very well-known example: is Peach / Cheap.

Assume that you should always start a building with a solid foundation. For this reason, we’ll explain right at the beginning what an anagram is. This term comes from Greek. It is simply a word created by rearranging the letters or syllables of another word. This can also be a sentence or phrase formed from the same principles.

According to Wikipedia, the types related to anagrams are:

  • Stenoanagram
  • Exoanagram
  • Endoanagram

In its simplest form, the anagram can proceed simply by reversing the order of the letter arrangement and reading it backward, e.g., live, ana, deem. These few examples should suffice at this point. We’ll write more complicated ones for you to play with.

Some online dictionaries state that an anagram is also “a puzzle whose solution consists mainly in forming words by rearranging letters of other words.” Interestingly, an anagram of letters was used by explorers to encode information about inventions. Famous and popular authors created their pseudonyms based on them!

To test how well you’ve learned the above definition, you can have some fun rearranging the letters of your last name and come up with some artistic pseudonyms for yourself. We’re sure you’ll get some uncontrollable laughs.

Creating anagrams is one of the most popular word games in the world. To indulge in the pleasure of forming new words from rearranging letters, we need practically nothing but a piece of paper, a pencil, and a sober thinking head.

When we are ready to “anagram” but lack the right inspiration… we can come up with some help! The following examples can be used immediately during the game, stored in memory, or recalled at the appropriate moment.

Examples of simple anagrams:

pear – reap
night – thing
won – now
urn – run
flow – wolf
care – race
beak – bake
meats – steam

We want to refrain from long lists of examples with anagrams here, but if you go to the Internet, then - when it comes to examples - you will indeed be overwhelmed by corresponding pages and lists.

Above, we have presented anagrams, popular and often used in various word games.

How to make an anagram from a word?

Anagramming has certain rules.

Rule 1: Only the letters of the word to be anagrammed can be used. Letters cannot be added to newly formed words.
Rule 2: The number of letters of the anagrammed word and the other words must be the same.
Rule 3: Letters cannot be extracted from either derived or anagrammed words.

How to Solve Anagrams?

Break up the anagram

  • First, write all the letters in a different pattern. If you keep looking at what’s in front of you, you won’t find a new sentence or word. The letters are already messy, but it helps to put them in a recognizable pattern or shape.
  • Draw a shape and write the letters around it. This makes it easier for your eyes to catch the combinations because there is no order to the letters - they are all equally important.
  • The most common shape is a circle. You can turn your paper or notebook in any direction to get a new perspective.
  • It’s important to keep rearranging the letters because that’s how your brain learns to see different groups of letters from the same letter. Sometimes you have to start with a new face after looking at the same one for a while.

Vowels and Consonants

  • Write all the consonants of your anagram in one column and the vowels in another. Start with the consonants and write down how they * * can be arranged. Then add the vowels to each combination to see how many new words you can make.
  • If you have a lot of vowels, look for consonant pairs first because there will be fewer variations.
  • If you have mostly consonants, combine vowels that can stand together. For example, “IE,” “UE,” and “OU.”

Highlight Prefixes and Suffixes

Many words in English are made up of prefixes and suffixes, which are combinations of letters at the beginning and end of a word, such as grammatical endings. It can be useful to find them in anagrams because you only need to find pairs of letters and form a word from the remaining letters.

Put the Letters in Alphabetical Order

Start with the first letter closest to the letter “A” and write down all the remaining letters in the order they occur in the alphabet. This way, you can see what kind of letters you have or narrow down the occurrence of vowels or rare letters like “Q” and “Z.”

Some letters may occur more often, but you should write them twice. Remember that you must use every letter that occurs in the original anagram.

As you begin to write an anagram in an ordered list, you can begin to recognize prefixes, suffixes, and even small, simple words, even in the wrong order. If the letters are in sequential order, you can remember combinations, as this is a common way to arrange each group of letters in the alphabet.


  • You can learn new anagrams and expand your knowledge by using foreign languages.
  • Keep your notebook and notes for reference.
  • If you get stuck with an anagram, several websites can help you unravel it. Sometimes you need to see the solution to work backward.
  • If you want to practice more, buy a book of anagrams. You can find them in a bookstore or online.