Words by Length

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Using long words in Scrabble Go and Words With Friends usually scores high. You can find the words by the length of letters in our word finder.

Everyone wants to write all the letters in their hand at once and get a higher score in Scrabble. The length field in the detailed search of our Scrabble cheat lets you play faster.

How Many Letters Should You Use?

Not every long word brings a high score. Sometimes there is an opportunity to think about the next move and score more points with fewer letters. Sometimes we see these opportunities, and sometimes they come to our minds after making our move. In this case, we recommend using our Words With Friends Cheat or our Scrabble Cheat to leave nothing to chance.

If the right letters are used in the right place, it will bring victory. With our word finder, victory is inevitable.

The Longer the Word, the Harder it is to Understand

According to language statistics, the longer a word is, the harder it is to understand.

Among the 11 million German words studied:
one 15 syllables,
two 14 syllables,
Eight 13-syllable words were designated (Moskovic, 1969: 118).

With the number of word elements, it is possible to understand how difficult the structure of the word is.

Our Scrabble cheat tool will help you find long words in the best possible way. This way, you’ll practice both finding words and learning new ones.

Longest and Shortest High Points Words

The words “QI,” “ZA,” “ZE,” “ZO” are the shortest words with the highest score in Scrabble. Point values are 11.

The word “QUIZZIFICATIONS” is the longest highest scoring word in Scrabble. Points are 47.

Keep Your High Points Letters

Most word players want to get rid of high-scoring letters quickly because it is difficult to derive words with them. This is a wrong and clumsy move. Keep the high-scoring letters like “J,” “X,” “Q,” “Z” in your hand until the time is right. When you have enough letter combinations, make your move.

E.g., The word “JO” produces nine letters in the string in Scrabble. If you are impatient and use it, you will lose this chance. Why would you use an already rare letter for a word with a low score?

According to Wikipedia sources, the longest word in English is “pneumonultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.” Meaning; It is related to lung disease. Synonym; silicosis

Word Lists by Length

Below you will find word lists from 2-letter words to 15-letter words.

At the same time, you can find words in the desired number of letters by using the length field in our Unscramble word finder tool.

2-letter words like “ax,” “ex,” and “ki.”
3-letter words like “fez,” “pyx,” and “wiz.”
4-letter words like “jazz,” “fizz,” and “fuzz.”
5-letter words like “whizz,” “muzzy,” and “frizz.”
6-letter words like “jazzes,” “hazzan,” and “cozzes.”
7-letter words like “quizzed,” “jazzmen,” and “buzzsaw.”
8-letter words like “zyzzyvas,” “vajazzle,” and “dizzying.”
9-letter words like “fuzzboxes,” “showbizzy,” and “chazzanim.”
10-letter words like “razzmatazz,” “hackerazzi,” and “zizyphuses.”
11-letter words like “shemozzling,” “oxyrhynchus,” and “chalazogamy.”
12-letter words like “bedazzlement,” “deoxygenized,” and “zygapophysis.”
13-letter words like “zygodactylism” and “deoxygenizing.”
14-letter words like “psychoanalyzed” and “cycloheximides.”
15-letter words like “dysmorphophobic” and “squeezabilities.”

At the same time, using the “Contains” field in our Word Unscramble tool, you can achieve the words with high scores according to the length and syllables or letters they contain.